Tuesday, November 29, 2011

to be continued.

Birthing plans are becoming less talk and more of a real thing as the weeks creep to an end. She is in the birthing position, "Engagement"- already and my Braxton-Hicks are happening about twice a day now. I have spent many of moments daydreaming about laboring at home and our experience at NFRMC. The hardest part has been telling myself to breathe and take everything slow. School ends in two weeks and then my little scheduled world slows down and I have nothing but time to nest and prepare for birth.
Bottom line is I am going to be practicing making up the perfect birth cocktail. Three parts fear, preparation and surrender.
I bought "Birthing from Within" and have really been enjoying reading what's inside. I haven't respected or fed into any of the books that I have been given/bought thus far. They seem so commercial and focused on the 95 percent of women who opt for the plan we don't have. It and my doula/birthing-class momma have given me great confidence in a natural birth and me as a woman. My body is mine. This baby is mine. This plan is mine. I am in control of it all. I tell myself this when the anxiety kicks in and it helps me... I feel ready. I can't possibly expect to be told how anything will go or even more so "the answers" by any book. People can accumulate data all day and tell you about birthing but not about ME. I am basically going to have to trust my body and judgements. I am going to fight and surrender to labor and the throes of this experience.
I wake up some mornings and think..."What if I went into labor today?" "do i know too little or prepared myself for - the plan- too much?" The fear kicks in and I worry that I haven't mentally prepared myself enough. Women have premature births everyday. But there is something in deep in me that KNOWS she won't come out until I am ready for it.
I saw her in Orlando and it blew my mind how much she grew since I got to see her last. When I lay I see her foot poke out of my stomach and it blows my mind. There's your foot! A tiny little bump poking up from my perfectly round belly to say hello.
When she moves now- the movements are no longer little flutters or bumps. It's full shifts and major belly altering drags across my abdomen. The wildest part is the fact that in the next nine weeks she will grow three times the size of what she is right now.

I am so tired my eyes are closing involuntarily.

The mind of the beginner is empty, free of the habits of the expert, ready to accept, to doubt, and open to all the possibilities.
- Shunryo Suzuki

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

30 weeks 10 more to go!

  Watch this conception to birth video:  click --->  Birth

Ezraa Update: 

"Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. As far away as a mother's breast to her face" 


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Birthday baby

Birthdays are supposed to be a significant day where people celebrate you being alive, born...in their life. A moment of living silence in celebration to honor the day you came into the world. The excitement fades as the years progress and I have found myself forgetting that it is so close over and over. This year seems rare. Maybe for once because I have this strange honor of bring my own little girl into the world. I keep thinking. You will be almost 31 weeks when I'm 26. And the only thing I want to do is SEE what I feel such a close connection to.

It is stranger than anything I have experienced before- the want for her. I have wanted someone around when I am lonely, their touch and silly antics to enrich my day and heart. I dated Joel long distance for several months and I craved his touch and simple company. To hear him call me "sugah" in his nurturing way.

But this is a strange new want, that stems from so many places I have yet to analyze or even comprehend where it comes from, is ever so prevalent. A deep maternal animalistic place that is mine and mine alone. Protected and savored.

To feel something growing in you- a life that you rely on for reassurance and comfort- will be here in 9 weeks.

No longer protected from the world. No longer silenced or safe from a literal world of pain and risk. So- you begin as it comes close to this end of the cycle, to want her. To see her face and grasp how real she is. She makes faces and smiles in there. To keep her safe and revert back to a child who doesn't wish to share the birthday present at her party with friends.

So I can think of nothing more perfect than this specific birthday. I know I will never forget it because this present is all mine for this little bit longer. Sure she is Joel's- always. But this bond we have- how she always manages too move or kick when I need her to cheer me up- the dreams I have where I know she knows what I felt. How the only constant thing she has heard has been my heartbeat. That's ours.

So for this birthday I'm going to see her. We are going to Orlando to get a 4d sonogram and have one last little vacation together- as we are- before she comes.

Some people say it is a waste of money because you see them when they are born... Or the 95 dollars is too much money. And that's THEIR excuse they can have. But for me- to see her in me one last time is worth the drive, time, money, and shitty traffic in Orlando.

I can't wait.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ezraa & I went hiking today

We went to the Paynes Prarie State Park and drive through Micanopy and SR 234. I packed some apples and water, my Diana Mini 35mm, iPod, and my Kodak digital. I was walking the trails and saw deer walk so close to me it was like a dream. We just stood there and stared at one another for what seemed like five minutes until they walked off with approval.

 Today was one of those days where words don't need to exist and you feel lucky to be alive and a part of it all. I tugged my pregnant butt through trails and up swaying watch towers to sit and take in the earth. 

Today was good.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Baby shower, Proposal, Best day of my life

my heart is overwhelmed with appreciation for my friends & family.

oh. yeah. I have a "finance". - per Jayden.

Today couldn't have gone any smoother. The weather was glorious & people, well, showered us with attention and gifts for Ezraa. I didn't eat much and my nerves were through the roof but my friends rule and made this day smooth. 

HUGE thanks to Palomino for the venue, Kim Wells for my belly art, photography, and help setting up & Jami Forshee for wrapping the ring and keeping it safe- not to mention decorating and horrible balloon blowing skills, My parents- all sets and forms, for the food, presents, support, flowers and love. Thanks to everyone for the insane amount of gifts and help with setting/cleaning up, Avery and Jack- chicken salad and mind blowing presents (Ezraas poster!!!), the Duerden family for the food and company, ladies from Newberry making it out- Katie, Lorri, Lauren, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, brothers, sister Chelsea and her beautiful family, Meghan and Nick for their "since day 1" support, advice, and needed hand-me downs. Cate & Austin Lucas for making the trip and time, Amber and Aaron, Leslie for making the drive & awesome gifts, Joan and her cupcakes, Megan Maxwell! & Ryan- you make clean up a breeze and love your company, Gabz for making puff paint your bitch. The Mahoney's for their fantastic gifts! Joel's friends...the late arrivers and new family that I have acquired- Joel's family and cousins, aunts, uncles, and their sweet silly children. Tina, Matt & Karla, Tori Carlini, Mary for the knitted blanket, Bob and Ruby, Allison for the keepsakes, The Starkes...and the BIG hello to Adrienne and Veronica- we wish you were able to be there and missed you! If I am leaving people out- I'll remember eventually, I am exhausted but I am so thankful you came and shared your awesomeness with everyone & you made my day! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

The ring of fire

So, after a little discussion on natural birth I decided to read some stories about the "ring of fire" some women experience and natural birthing stories. My friend Alexis had her baby during the hurricanes in New York and her natural birthing experience was phenomenal. I literally squealed, grimaced, and eeek'd when she wrote me about it. It gave me complete faith in the human body as a woman giving birth and the reminder that hardly ever, does the birth plan go smoothly.

I liked this one chick's tiny example of what it might feel like, intensified of course...

So what's the sign of fire?

"At some point during birth preparations, somebody is going to tell you about how it feels to give birth. For me, the contractions were painful, but the birth itself was not, except for what is known as “the ring of fire.” Some women feel this every birth, some don’t feel it at all, and some have it at some births and not at others. I don’t want you to set yourself up for feeling more pain than is strictly necessary, but I do want to prepare you for this sensation.
First, what is it? During a vaginal birth, as your vagina expands around the largest point of the baby’s head you will often feel a pulling or burning sensation. It is brief (maybe 30 seconds), and like every other pain you feel, it impels you to change something to stop the pain. Typically, it will feel better to stop pushing, to allow your tissues to rest and expand gently. Many times when women push through the pain, they end up tearing.
Now, what does it feel like?
Open your mouth as wide as you can and hold it. Now, put your fingers in the corners of your mouth and pull your mouth wider until you feel stretching or burning. Now, imagine that at your vaginal opening. That is similar to what you might feel when your baby is born.
Yes, it’s painful, but it’s also brief. Some women are nearly terrified of the “pain of giving birth,” but they feel like they can handle the contractions. They may opt for an epidural or a local anesthetic to avoid this pain. But I gotta tell you–birth is painless compared to the contractions beforehand. If you can handle the contractions, you don’t need to worry about feeling the baby come out. For me, pushing was one of the most empowering things I’ve ever done; and the sensation of the baby moving down was also empowering. The contractions were no fun; but pushing my babies out was painless, except for the ring of fire."

I also go to experience watching my little sister, Chelsea, give birth and it was the most wonderful thing I could have ever seen. She was induced because Kira was late and was told over and over again different times to come in and get Pitocin (oxytocin injection). Her contractions were super intense and during the birth she was screaming warrior cries that made me sink onto myself and sit with helpless teary eyed admiration. Kira was stuck at her shoulders and Chelsea was exhausted and seemed to give up for a bit. She was screaming instead of pushing and it gave me the inspiration and know-how to take these natural birthing classes will benefit that exact situation. The fear factor- stops breathing and can cause complications and difficulty so I will be practicing and focusing breathing and the mental state it is going to take to lessen the pain. I can say that getting certain tattoos for seven hours straight was intense on my body and mental state and breathing deep and escaping into a place in my head helped the time go by. And though, the pain doesn't even compare, it's a good place to start.

I chose a natural birth for several reasons:

The first being that I want to be in the best mental and physical state to perform the birth. I don't react well to pain medication. I vomit and weaken instantly. I don't like the feeling of being out of control and often become depressed. Even when I have headaches, Joel has to beg me to take Tylenol. I'd rather ice pack it. Growing up we weren't raised on medication. It was always "bite a bullet" and "tough it out"..."rub some dirt one it". So I naturally live this way today as I am not even a heavy drinker- because I straight up don't like the feeling and it doesn't do me good.

Everyone reacts differently to medication and stimulants. I know my body and mind very well and it is a last resort. There are a lot of side effects that come with Pitocin that also concern me.
  • an allergic reaction (shortness of breath; closing of the throat; hives; swelling of the lips, face, or tongue; rash; or fainting);
  • difficulty urinating; chest pain or irregular heart beat; difficulty breathing;
  • confusion; sudden weight gain or excessive swelling;
  • severe headache;
  • rash; excessive vaginal bleeding; or
  • seizures. nausea or vomiting
BUT- if I go over 40 weeks- it's just what I am going to have to deal with. My sister experienced a lot of these symptoms and threw up a few times. I am researching all the options and mostly just want to be prepared and open to the changes and varieties of options I will have once the pain starts. I have Joel who is going to help me through the pain and be my voice when i won't have one- I am finding much relief in this. 

We made the choice to tell the nurses that if my heavy dilated labor goes over 24 hours to talk about the options of pain medication for the simple fact of my health and bodies sake. 

I am looking forward to seeing how my body will do under this pressure and pain and more so, the connection between Joel and I as I go through this. I am holding great confidence in his ability to read me through the pain and speak out of my best interest. We have some books and are going to start reading them throughout  the next two months. I am practicing my breathing during my Braxton- hicks, which unfortunately hurt, and I am finding new places in my head to go when they occur. They are increasing as the weeks go by, having two in math class the other morning. It was intense and I turned white and clammy- almost at the point of passing out.   

This is going to be hard and intense and I am looking forward to meeting my baby girl and having a story to tell and connection to other mommas and for the three of us as a family-forever. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Sweet Smell of Everything

89 days to go...that's 12 weeks to go, 3 days til the shower, keepsakes and birthing classes.
Big sweet thanks to Allison Smith, my oldest friend, for making my keepsakes for the baby shower. As tempted as I am to take a picture and share it I want there to be some element of surprise at the shower. I opened them and cried like the hormonal preggo that I am. THANK YOU ALLI! 
I am having my ladies over tonight for some dinner and craft time to prepare for the shower and have some time to be silly and relax. I have two boxes full of OLD mason jars that I had to scrub down and am looking forward to taco salads and traded stories. 
Last night Joel and I went to our first natural birthing class.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be- though when we were listening to meditative breathing exercises Joel kept giggling, to later find out he was imagining it to Gilford Godfrey's voice. "BREATHE SLOW." We were the cut ups in the room and 4 out of the 6 couples were soooooo boring and serious. Like cops and their fat wives who thought when the baby kicked it was "disturbing". Joel and I made it weird by talking about sore nipples and farts- THE REAL STUFF. 
There were only 6 couples there... which surprised me until that was taken over by a big shock FACTor...
about 95% of births performed at NFRMC have an epidural or pain medication. 
So, I will be in the small 5% of women who will be performing the most common, uncommon form of childbirth there at NF. It's going to be very interesting seeing how the nurses are with a natural childbirth. Betta' have some patience nurse ladies. 

7 months. I've made it!

"This month her sensory development will allow her to detect odors. Smell is yet another way your baby can recognize and make sense of the world around her. During the third trimester, her smelling talents will greatly improve. Soon, she'll be able to react to strong odors by grimacing or moving his head. And after birth, she'll be comforted by the familiar smell of mom.

Growing Brain, Growing Personality

Will your baby be quiet and creative? Or the life of the party? Will she be the athlete, or the Math-lete? As her brain grows, her personality develops along with it.
For the most part, you'll have to wait and see who your baby grows into. But you can look to what she's doing now for some early clues. Is she active and rambunctious in there? Or is she calm and relaxed most of the time?
You can also help nourish your dreams for your baby right now by getting the proper nutrition at this critical stage of her development. Know what you need, and be sure to get it every day.

Bundling Up with Body Fat

This month, your little one begins to trades in his skinny, wrinkled appearance for a plumper, more baby-like one. She'll start gaining the body fat layers, and not just to look cute in her baby pictures. Babies need this fat to regulate their body temperature and provide energy stores after birth."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dearest boobies,

STOP growing please. Third shirt that you've ripped. My ribs hurt from your weight. k- thanks.

I went to the mall to find a cute dress/top for the shower and I tried on 5 dresses and 5 tops. NONE of them fit my chest. I measured them and they are 3 inches more than my 7 month pregnant stomach. I feel absolutely defeated, like most mornings, and suppose I will spend the next few days trying to find something that works and is comfy. I don't know how these ladies do it...or PAY to have this problem.
could be worse .no bueno.

on a LIGHTER note- 90 days til my Ezraa comes.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

One week to go!

I can't tell you how excited I am to have all of my family and friends together this Sunday. 

27 weeks

She weighs in at 14 1/2 inches and is over 2 pounds!

We are getting a 3D sonogram after the shower to see her (probably around 32 weeks) and I was watching some other people's 3D experiences. Might be the hormones but this is fascinating to me and brings me to tears every time I watch them. Maybe it is the expressions and that fact that I never imagined her making any faces in my belly- but she does...and I can't tell you how excited I am to see them.

here are a few i liked:


also, this happened tonight. :)))