Friday, September 30, 2011

22 weeks

Nugget Update Email: 
"This week, your baby weighs in at a whopping pound and measures nearly eight inches, about the size of a small doll. But your little doll (who now has eyebrows, eyelashes, and maybe even some hair on that little head) is a living one who can now perceive light and dark. She can also hear your voice, your heartbeat, your gurgling stomach, and the whoosh-whoosh of blood circulating through your body. And as her brain and nerve endings develop, she may reach for her face (or whatever she can reach) just to experiment with her newfound sense of touch.

By now you may have been the target of at least one well-wishing tummy-toucher — you know, those people (and they could be anyone — friends, co-workers, the guy you buy your morning paper from, a perfect stranger on the deli line) who just can't resist reaching out and rubbing your belly. And who can blame them? After all, pregnant bellies — so round, so cute, and housing something even cuter — practically beg to be touched.  Now, at 22 weeks pregnant, you may not mind being treated like an exhibit at a children's museum (and, if you're a touchy-feely person yourself, you may even welcome the public display of affection for your belly), but if you do mind, there are a couple of approaches you can take. One, use your words ("I know it's tempting, but I really would rather you didn't touch my belly"). Two, back off — literally, dodging their advances. And three, turn the tables by giving their belly a rub to see how they like it (especially effective with middle-aged men sporting paunches). Remember, you're sharing your body on the inside — you don't need to share on the outside too."

Personal experience: 
J and I were in Micanopy last month and this lady came up to me and talked to my stomach... grabbing me, rather aggressively, without ever acknowledging ME. Like I was a floating baby encompassed by a stomach. It was really strange and, not knowing how to react appropriately, I just walked off giggling nervously towards Joel like a lost kid in a grocery store. 
In retrospect I didn't care that much about the actual act or even the fact that it was so personally impersonal. I don't care when my friends do it either...I actually enjoy when they get to feel the KICK! that I feel all day and night. 
The only thing that has bothered me during this pregnancy, besides straight up RUDE personalities that have become socially inept over the past few months and I avoid like the plague, has been a close friend who made small comments like "I wasn't even showing at blah blah weeks..." and "you are going to be big" comments. 
It initially made me feel really insecure and hyper sensitive, knocking my usual euphorically happy pregnant state into a world of comparison. I don't recall replying with any feelings, per say, but did go through that whole...I shoulda' said this... thing. I also felt it was super rude as the person has always been smaller than me and a bit obsessed about their weight from the get go. 
I googled stomachs at 'so many weeks' and saw that a lot were bigger than mine. When I went to see my mid-wife and asked her about my belly showing and possible excessive weight gain she laughed at me. She showed me a graph of my projected weight gain and said. You are perfect Samantha. I had only gained 8 pounds since we found out. She told me that our bodies are all different and they do what they need to do according to our babies needs.
 I felt relieved and wanted to call that person and tell them that I was right on point...and "ah nah nah boo boo". Obviously I got over it immediately and just chalked it up as that person just being that person and me giving in to a sensitive moment. 
But the point I think these emails SHOULD be saying is forget people who make passive aggressive comparison/ or general comments about your body! It is housing a person and will do what it needs to do to produce a beautiful healthy baby. 
Everyone's pregnancy is different and everyone's emotions are different. I have had friends who got pregnant and became crazy hormonal driven women, depressed and apathetic women and elated and active preggos. I think the important things is to find humor in the weird things that our bodies and minds go through and have each other's backs during this wild ride. It's hard enough that we go through such an external change so having that internal, emotional support is where it's at. 

On an unrelated note-
 I am refurbishing a dresser for my girl's nursery and was looking for cute dresser knobs and came across this nice batch of weird. 
I am a little tempted to go there. 
*laughing* sad clown knobs?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So little no name is beyond active. Homegirl kicks me a llll the time. She has a schedule with I am beginning to notice. I have never been one to write down a schedule or even really be self aware of days or times. I always watch crime shows and feel like I would be royally screwed if I were ever to need an alibi. Everything happened "the other day" even though it was a month ago or longer. 
It's a horrible habit I've carried throughout my childhood. 
School has helped me become more aware of schedules and dates. My little blue agenda book is my own personal umbilical cord and helps me keep my life together. 
Now I am just tracking the weeks now and getting growth emails week by week. I enjoy these because it helps me understand what's going on in there. 

This week:

Your beautiful little miracle-gro baby will be putting on a full ounce and a half this week.
And that's just the beginning! Within the next five weeks, they'll really be packin' it on as they start to gain fat!
For now, we’re pleased to report the addition of rapid eye movement (REM); a key component to any healthy baby's sleep schedule, that indicates they're now capable of dreaming.
Over in the dermatology department: your sweet lil bun's thin soft skin is very red, rather translucent, and a bit wrinkled.
Not to worry, it’s not some creepy premature aging disease. It's just their clever little body setting them up with extra space that will smooth out once your little one starts packing on the baby-fat. That won’t be for a few more weeks, though.
So, for the time being, your munchkin is still a little lean mean growing machine!
Lastly, the beginnings of what is commonly called “brown fat” is just starting to fill in to help your baby retain some body heat, which is crucial as they’re not yet capable of regulating their own body temperature.

Monday, September 26, 2011

kick start...

This was so much fun! Joel and I painted the room yesterday and it came out AWESOME! 
We are going to paint the dresser and find some cute knobs. There is a sweet little stained glass turtle-low light lamp and CD player for baby mixes I'm starting to make! Sleepytime music like Earth, The Drift, Bohren, Primates and Tortoise to name a few! 

We still have a lot of work to do but it is a great start! 

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Now that we know the gender we are able to move on with plans:

We worked on the nursery today and once it is set up completely I will get some pictures up. I found this adorable deer print and we picked colors off the pattern to paint the room. The rest of the house is all white so it's officially our rebellious room. I am doing some major nesting, which I suppose is natural at this point. I have been folding onesies and organizing the outfits by months. We were given so much boy clothes I just decided to buy a bright pink tutu to throw over them to give a little girl flare. Not like we will  be going out too much in the beginning for observers to guess, either way.

We ordered the baby shower invitations and they should be here in less than 2 weeks! They are so cute and were pleasantly easy to make online.
As for the shower... woohoo! It will be at Palomino, in the "backyard" so it can be a chill environment and dude friendly. I decided I can't handle an extremely anal person planning it by themselves because I want personal flare so us girls are going to get together and must make a fun crafty night out of it. It was tricky planning when to have it because of all of the holidays, weather, Fest, and my fat factor. I don't want to have it too late because I don't want to be bloated and swollen around so many people. Excited.

We registered at Target and and I absolutely love both options. They are accessible online and it's been a blast "fake shopping" at nights when I can't fall asleep & when Joel is nerding out with his fantasy football man time. We put a majority of items on them that we would like to get for ourselves eventually and don't obviously expect friends and family to buy us all those things. It was just nice to have  it all in one spot when we want to go to it.

Here is the link for
You just go to "my lists" in the right hand corner and look for "baby registry". 
Then type in Samantha Kirkland or Joel Tynes. 
**If you guys have any suggestions on products that you like or can't do without- feel free to let me know! 

Here is a copy of our baby invitation!!!

RSVP here on the website! 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Oh boy! it's a girl!

Here is a shot of her laying on her back and her hand is by her right cheek. She is smiling and her mouth is open. Look at those BIG ol lips and little squinty eyes.

She was head banging and whipping the umbilical cord around. Metal baby.

I am so in love.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One more day! Innie or Outie?!

I took a break from full time homework and went to Meghan and Nick's house tonight to indulge in their life for a bit; full of Locke's toys, affectionate pups and enough awesome 'nerd' collectables to send them into a happy retirement. They have been so great to befriend because we not only get to trade hilarious stories back and fourth but we get Locke's hand-me downs. So far a majority of our "nursery" is from them so BIG thanks in that direction. 

My Oma sent me a fantastic leopard print travel changer which I was actually threw me for a loop- because I didn't ever consider any baby item I'd own to be leopard print. It was one of those..."Oh yeah- everything doesn't have to be yellow or pink or blue" moments. So I will take great pride when wiping poop off little cheeks in knowing that there is a little level of personal style mixed into the acceptance of liking those baby pastels once again. She also gave me a gift card which I took the pleasure of buying my larger than life maternity bra. Thanks for the (literal) support Oma! <3 

Speaking of gifts in the mail!
I was a grumpy mess today with a cornucopia of stressful assignments and hormones taking me over. 
Joel came in the room with a manila folder from his mom. He opened it up and there were two baby hats: one kaki (boy) and the other red and white dots with little strawberries...with this! 
 So cute and totally made my day. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't buy me this???

I was making a baby registry on Amazon (which rules) and came across this gem. 
*Also, for those moms that have breastfed I don't really know what to purchase that is actually needed versus marketing poo. I know I'll want a pump but the other things? Suggestions? I'm lost when it comes to this. 
Doubt she had an actually child...& I'd say her modeling career didn't go very far. 

I can't stop laughing. 

Looking back at 4 weeks...

I found this picture while uploading old photos onto our new laptop. Hey C cup. I miss you. This was the day I found out that we were pregnant.
We went to the health department (great place to people watch- btw) and the nurse came in with my test results in hand and said "So did you think you are pregnant?" I you can imagine I was not in the mood to be cordial... "I'm here for a pregnancy test aren't I." She smiles with raised eyebrows and exclaims "Welp, you are REALLY pregnant! All the other tests were a little faded but yours was a big thick line." I smiled and burst into tears simultaneously- flooded with anxiety as an anvil just dropped on my estimated future of a motorcycle riding carefree college student and welder.
She proceeded to tell me how I will soon become both gaseous AND constipated... not be able to sleep and pee when I sneeze.
me: "buh, fantastic."
I walked out into the waiting room that was filled with all ethnicities and flavors with their brown paper bags filled with STD remedies and runny nosed kids wiping their boogers on the Oprah screen. I scanned to the back corner where Joel was sitting with his face in his palm, leaned to one side, slowly dozing off. I walked up with a nervous smile on my face and just handed him the proof of pregnancy. He jumped up and just hugged me so tight and told me he was so proud to be doing this with me. I melted into my anxiety and simply and ever so meaningfully looked back at him and said..."Can we go get BarBQ?"

This was after BarbQ where I took a bite of some coleslaw and ran to the bathroom to share with ol' John. I wasn't excited at this point and still in a little shock...but Holy moly! I will never complain about "being fat" eva eva again after seeing this and feeling how I feel now. I constantly am mumbling "ugh I'm fat" and there is ol' Joel mumbling behind me "no....your pregnant." Which I'm sure have undertones of "ya hormonal woman."

20 weeks

Half way there! 

Joel and I find out the gender of the baby this Friday and meet with my midwife after the ultrasound to get the results of the genetic tests. Our first round and exam went so smooth. At our follow up appointment our midwife, Chris, swiveled around in her chair and said "Everything is perfect!"...which took the heaviness that sat in my throat away and the coldness from the sterile room. We got to listen to the heart beat, around 150, and I must have smiled the entire day. We celebrated by sharing a gigantic McCallisters baked potato- with bacon, duh.

Since then, which was around 12 weeks, I have been patiently awaiting Friday. I felt "it" kicking at around 16 or 17 weeks- though looking back I realize the little bubbles and strange feelings were actually movement! Now they are full on kicks and bumps that actually startle me! I feel them the most when I lay in bed and finally relax (usually doing homework). Joel lay's every night with his arm stretched out onto my belly for some kick time. It's my favorite part of the day because we are all finally together, our little family with the cat by our feet, and he/she is so active and communicative...almost as if it knows we have our hands on my stomach just waiting for the startling kicks. I felt it completely shift and move for what seemed an eternity a few days ago and the amount of movement was overwhelming and unexplainable. I can definitely say that that feeling compares to no other in the world- so far. Immediate love and connection that, I hope, it is taken over by and feels from me.

My boobs are a size E which I must admit is very uncomfortable and hard to fit into even maternity clothing. I haven't had to deal with getting milk yet- so I can only imagine how big they are going to get. Gross.  The humor in it is that Joel's mom, who I absolutely LOVE, still has me beat and gave me a few of hers. I enjoy this mostly because I look forward to dancing around the house and singing "nah nah nah nahh nahh nah, I am wearing your mom's braaaa!"