Tuesday, September 20, 2011

20 weeks

Half way there! 

Joel and I find out the gender of the baby this Friday and meet with my midwife after the ultrasound to get the results of the genetic tests. Our first round and exam went so smooth. At our follow up appointment our midwife, Chris, swiveled around in her chair and said "Everything is perfect!"...which took the heaviness that sat in my throat away and the coldness from the sterile room. We got to listen to the heart beat, around 150, and I must have smiled the entire day. We celebrated by sharing a gigantic McCallisters baked potato- with bacon, duh.

Since then, which was around 12 weeks, I have been patiently awaiting Friday. I felt "it" kicking at around 16 or 17 weeks- though looking back I realize the little bubbles and strange feelings were actually movement! Now they are full on kicks and bumps that actually startle me! I feel them the most when I lay in bed and finally relax (usually doing homework). Joel lay's every night with his arm stretched out onto my belly for some kick time. It's my favorite part of the day because we are all finally together, our little family with the cat by our feet, and he/she is so active and communicative...almost as if it knows we have our hands on my stomach just waiting for the startling kicks. I felt it completely shift and move for what seemed an eternity a few days ago and the amount of movement was overwhelming and unexplainable. I can definitely say that that feeling compares to no other in the world- so far. Immediate love and connection that, I hope, it is taken over by and feels from me.

My boobs are a size E which I must admit is very uncomfortable and hard to fit into even maternity clothing. I haven't had to deal with getting milk yet- so I can only imagine how big they are going to get. Gross.  The humor in it is that Joel's mom, who I absolutely LOVE, still has me beat and gave me a few of hers. I enjoy this mostly because I look forward to dancing around the house and singing "nah nah nah nahh nahh nah, I am wearing your mom's braaaa!"