Friday, December 23, 2011

3 weeks to 37

Home girl. Come out.

Just putting it out there -
we won't be announcing the beginning of labor to anyone- calling people or allowing visitors while we are in the hospital- even when she is born and home for the first few days. I am going to wait a while before I let people come over to our home because we will be adjusting to a whole new world of NEW BABY. I don't want to be overwhelmed with phone calls and visitors when I am trying to acclimate to becoming a new momma. Learning how to breastfeed, resting after a rigorous birth, and most of all enjoying the new time I will have with my new family without people wanting to hold her every few minutes and overwhelming the situation with understandable "gimmies". Our birthing instructor encouraged us to "say no" to people- especially in the beginning. She made a lot of good points in that we are going to need to rest and settle into everything. The biggest thing she was saying is that if people do come over- make sure they are people who can HELP. Otherwise people who just want to hold the baby can wait. I have spent so much time preparing mentally for the birth/labor that I didnt invest much though into the explosion of chaos that happens afterwards.
Saying no- It will be so hard trying to do this with people constantly calling and coming over- wanting to hold Ezraa and pass her around. I honestly don't know how my sister did it. When Kira was born people were just passing her from one person to the next and Chelsea had little time to hold Kira initially. I think those first few moments after she is born are crucial for the connection between mother and child. Watching her birth has given me a lot of perspective on what I don't want during mine.
So, I hope people don't take offense in our choice to keep it on the down low- and understand that it is a very personal private and new time that we are going to be going through as a new family.
I am so excited, on the other hand, once we feel rested and comfortable with our new edition- to introduce Ezraa to the world and to all of the people who have been anticipating her arrival and rooting her on as the months have dragged along.


  1. that was kind of the nice thing about having all family out of town, however people that come over to help are really helpful. we had one couple, good friends of ours, stock us up on hurricane supplies (!) and walk the dog the day after. it was also nice to take a quick shower while they watched atticus and wes sleep :) But do yo' thang girl, no means no.

  2. We are going to have Joel's momma stay with us for a few days and help us out with the small things and have a few ladies come by and help but I'm going to keep the I wanna see the baby visits to a minimum for all the stated reasons above. I mostly don't want to feel overwhelmed by non stop visitors- soon in sure ill be loving them! But I can only imagine the initial exhaustion and anxiety of a newbie!
