Thursday, December 15, 2011

Stop. Drop. & Yoga.

??? Day Yoga Challenge


School is FINALLY done for the semester and I am able to let my body and brain BREATHE. 
I am looking forward to this next month, whether is drags or not.
I was so pumped when Ezraa went into birthing position last month after a few yoga sessions at home. 

But now she is in my ribs and its a tight little knot that leaves me wondering what position she is in? I went to a show two nights ago and the music was so loud and full of base and reverb that she was having her own little mosh pit in my belly. Towards the end of the night I could tell that she was scared or at the least over the noise because she was a tight little ball. It took over an hour for her to loosen up and relax- which I felt horrible about. I decided, for MANY reasons not to attend last nights Black Tusk show despite my craving for as many decent shows as I can catch before I resign/submit to motherhood for a few good months. I realize she has gained two pounds since we had the 4D sonogram but I'm guessing her fast paced growth has forced her into the little ball that she is and I am suffering ever so greatly as a result. Last night I knew something was unusual when I laid in the bed and immediately knew she was not in her usual spot. She wasn't having it, the bed is a no-go. I grunted as I walked, blanket in tow, to the couch where the cushions dip ever so perfectly to support my hips and large belly- just right. I passed out within the minute. Exhausted from birthing our last birthing class - my mind racing with thoughts of breastfeeding, adjusting from pregnancy to baby, goals for the next month and my extreme nesting- I shut down. I don't sleep for more than three hours at a time now. I'm sure it's a combination of my instincts preparing me for her arrival and the reality of what is to come- and me over active brain. I woke up at eight this morning ready to conquer the world. 


They say that you "drop"a few weeks before the baby comes and you'll know when you can breathe easier. I don't know much about it but I have had a few "talks" with her to let her know that at 37 weeks ( that's a whopping 4 from now) she needs to get that tiny-hiny out of me and meet her makers. So it looks like I need to have a mental drop convo with her today and let her know that's happening whenever she's ready. 


I now have time for this pregnancy, like I have been wanting for months now, to work out and treat my body as it deserves. This last month everything is going to stretch and expand to it's max as she grows three times her weight. As a result I am challenging myself to do thirty (minimum) minutes of yoga to help with the transition of weight loss once Ez is born & for labor to be easier. I have the will and way- so there are no excuses. Also, my friend who is an amazing painter is coming home from Spain for a while and has asked if she can paint a nude pregnancy photo- so if that isn't motivation I don't know what is!  This is her tumbler of her last painting to give you an idea of her brilliant skills- 

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