Saturday, December 3, 2011

66 days and a bike ride later

I got my bike fixed finally and went on the best ride of my life. Bicycle that is. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to crouch down like I usually did before the belly occupant arrived & really get up the "hills" on a single speed. But OH MY! Did it feel liberating. I haven't ridden a bike since I have been pregnant- in the beginning too sick to move and later to scared to endure that much movement. Now I am bursting with loads of nesting energy. I ended up biking 8 miles and pushed through the lack of lung capacity I am used to functioning with. I can't seem to sit still and enjoy the calm. I wake up in the middle of the night and want to go for a run or re-organize the garage. I woke up last night with the extreme urge to clean the toilet and set up the car seat and stroller. A calmly sleeping Joel stopped the urge, as I didn't want to wake him with my crazy gestational urges.

This morning was a different story. We wrangled with the stroller and car seat- setting them up in the van and getting to know all the ins & outs of the buttons and clips and fasteners so we aren't freaking out later about it. I still have a few more things to set up in our/her room (crib) rearranging for functionality versus decoration and I think my nesting fits will calm. I'm hoping anyway.

As far as my body goes things are seemingly evening out. I can't tell if I am finally surrendering to the pain and discomforts or they are just subsiding. Either way, life is a boat and so is my ass. :)
I am enjoying being pregnant more than I ever have so far and haven't dealt with any of the real nasty side effects in the bum bum department. No scary hemorrhoids or bowl issues. I eat like a champ- lots of veggies, proteins, milk, and meat. No swelling or hormonal emotional fits. A lot of it is maintenance, I'm finding. Chugging water, eating right, staying active.  Don't get me wrong- there are numerous occasions where I sneezed or coughed and peed on myself- straight up. And I fart all over Joel and giggle every time it happens. It's just part of the deal. I DO drink some coffee which is probably frowned upon but I am allowing it and don't care what anyone thinks. They said I have diabetes but all you have to do for that is eat less carbs, got it. Done.
SO! Now I wait. I have a feeling she is going to come early- but I am prepared for the worst, past 40 weeks. The only part I am not looking forward to about the 40 weeks is what it will do to my body. I am genuinely terrified of stretch marks and have had numerous nightmares about it. I am not sure why- and I know they will pop up more and more- but ERH. I no want.

My light Braxton Hicks are now 30- 45 second contractions that give me the opportunity to practice breathing through them- I like the pain and get excited when they happen. In my head, "hell yes, I'm getting closer." They are happening during the day now- sometimes 3 in a row or three in a day. I am proud of my body so far-- its remodel of my organs and limited room for my lungs and bladder, the expansion of my abdomen and tolerance to the weight gain, limited mobility and aches.

all in all. I'm happy and I can't wait to give birth and finally hold her.

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