Thursday, January 19, 2012

Natural Inducers, my belly.

This has been my mantra, among many others...

*sneeze/cough* -  "SQUEEZE!" "Kegels" 
*unwanted comments/ obligatory Q & A from strangers* - "Smile through the hormones"
*krispy kreme* - "HOT NOW sign = keep on driving"
*the ever so many discomforts* - "It's all worth it in the end"


As of lately I am fantasizing about the beauty of Pitocin. Pitocin is a liquid medication that is a synthetic  form of the naturally occurring hormone- Oxytocin. Oxytocin is produced during childbirth and sex, usually. It's know as the "love hormone" and is what can be the biggest trigger for dilation of the cervix- thinning of the uterus. Before pregnancy I never knew either of these terms in a literal sense. Sure, I had heard of them but never thought twice about their roles in my life or how much I would begin to find myself wanting either/or. I told Joel (only slightly joking) that when I go in tomorrow I am going to request that they give me Pitocin) which I don't think they do unless you are past 40 weeks, ugh, nightmare. SO I just grow while she grows- an ounce every 2 days.

I have tried every combination of natural inducers for labor under the sun. (except black licorice, which I would gladly stay pregnant for 9 and a half months more- rather than ingesting & castor oil- because, well, I don't feel like peeing/leaking out of my butt for a few hours) 

Raspberry tea with pineapple snackies, speed bumps and yoga/hour walks, to the more hush hush nip stimulation/ obvious ways to receive oxytocin...and the list gets kookier. 

I have tiny spurts of cramping and aches but I wonder if it's just her inevitable gigantic Tynes/Kirkland head flopping around in there. 

All I have to say is all of those "home remedies" and people who say "try this"- it all was just what happened before their baby came. I'm certain that they don't come until they are ready. But this leaves me wondering- what REALLY makes the D-Day happen? 

Does the baby send out some sort of laser beam to the uterus in a beep boop bee boop manner saying she's ready? Is it a lack of oxytocin being produced, hence the need for Pitocin? It's not really "up to her"- more up to my uterus I'm guessing. Stupid handicapped uterus. 

What ever the case may be I have resorted to the fact that I have a camper. My little hobo has set up camp, pitched her tent, started the fire and chowing down on a can of beans. (insert pregnancy fart joke)

I have resorted to telling myself that everyday that drags along is another day that she is less likely to come out like a little Benjamin Button "Raisin monster" and more like a developed baby. Another day of her eyelashes growing a little longer for presto butterfly kisses and skin plumping out for maximum snuggling action later. 

So we arrive at the end of my, hoped for, 37 weeks and begin week 38 on Saturday of the BIG WAIT, A BIT LATE. 

-- if she does decide she is comfy where she is at- this is going to be the longest 19 days of my life- other than my days away from Joel when we dated long distance. 

1 comment:

  1. This was hilarious! Esp the laser beam. Hang in there. My doc said today that we'd induce at 41 weeks, if necessary. I am 38 weeks today. Tick Tock. My friends with kids all say red wine & sex = labor. I think the red wine is just to make the preg sex less awkward ;)
