Monday, January 16, 2012

A recluse's apology

Sorry I haven't returned your phone calls! I am so happy everyone is keeping in touch/checking on me and sending me love and support!!! I am a bit overwhelmed by it to be honest and will try in the next few days to return all the calls and texts.
As you can imagine, I am physically maxed out and have been catching up on a wacky sleep schedule I have developed and listening to my body as it begs to sleeeeeep. I have been up while the world is asleep and sleeping while you all are calling. :)
Yesterday I hid from the world, took a 2 hour bath and didn't turn my cell phone on or flip my laptop up once. I took naps with Joel and cleaned my home- thought about the fact that anyday now Ezraa will be here. I cried in the bath thinking about how we made this little girl who is about to come into this world and how amazing it is that I will have a daughter, a best friend, someone to keep me grounded- to teach and learn from- to share my life with. It was unbelievably overwhelming and I savored the moment and fact that she is still in my belly- despite my daily begging to come out.
I have been a recluse in this last month and feel guilty for it- because I don't want people to think I don't care about them reaching out. I just don't feel myself somedays and finding the energy to just return a phone call has been extremely hard. So excuse my horrible phone etiquette and I promise I will call everyone back as soon as I can.

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