Wednesday, January 4, 2012

36 weeks

one more week and a few days until "full term" kicks in. Is it too soon for her to be born? I'm concerned about her tiny lungs- and if she comes a week early, will it not be safe to labor at home like we originally planned?

IN A FEW HOURS I go into meet the last midwife who could possibly deliver Ezraa. This morning I had a weird "leak" experience which left me standing in the bathroom going "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" with my hands in the air and wondering if my water broke. I honestly don't know. When I checked it out it wasn't a pee experience. It was enough to know it wasn't pee but wasn't a "gush" like you see in the movies- which is normal & healthy.
Since that happened I have been cramping (like constant cramping with that period feeling). I am visiting my midwives tomorrow morning first thing to get an exam and see if my water broke or if I am leaking amniotic fluid.
All of the signs are there and now I am just waiting on EZ. My breasts are also producing "milk" now-which also left me standing naked going "uhhhhhhhh" to Joel. I wasn't sure what to do with it.
Ol' handy Google came to the rescue. Was I supposed to ignore it? I was worried about it building up and hurting. Then Joel read that the real heavy milk won't kick in until after the baby is born, the colostrum (what I am starting to produce) is the first food your baby will get and is the most important because it is full of antibodies to help her immune system.

Im currently cramping my ass off typing at 3 am. I can't sleep because my anxiety is overwhelming. I imagine I will KNOW when true labor happens because the pain will intensify. In the meantime I am here- wondering if this is the beginning. My concerns will be answered soon enough (a few hours) and I can return to the waiting game, either way.


  1. sounds like the beginning! I had periodic hours of cramping contractions for two weeks, and in my experience that's what early labor felt like. got the milk leak too, fun stuff but didnt get the other leaking (I think it sounds like your mucus plug??) until the night of. So excited for you! try to get some sleep though, even though its sounds like your really close it could be a really uncomfortable couple of days or week! hang in there :) its going to be amazing!
